It’s been a while since I’ve given a update on the features we’ve added and the bugs we’ve found on the Dynaview.
November, 2011
We found a bug that is present in all Dynaview IIIC models up to this time (before Rev 2.16.0, 11/2021). If you have no sensors attached, or if the monitored web is not moving, AND you choose meter view, the Dynaview will hang. It recovers when you turn if off and back on. Contact Porcine Associates for a update.
January, 2022
For those customers who like to maintain recipes off-line, we’ve made it a lot easier. A Dynaview can now import and export recipes in XML format. Porcine Associates has an app that can read, edit, and write these XML files. The app works in Windows, in Linux and probably on a Mac. We need testers for the Mac version.
February, 2022
This is a little behind the scenes work. In our previous model (Dynaview IIIB) we implemented a hardware watchdog so that if anything in the system hung, the Dynaview would reboot automatically. It turns out that our present CPU module also supports a hardware watchdog. We’ve done the work to wake it up, restoring this automatic reboot functionality if something hangs the system.